The owner left the dog in the backyard to starve until a woman saw a picture

Darlene is an animal lover, not an animal rescuer, but a chance conversation with a nail technician prompted her to save the life of Smokey the dog.

Darlene was visiting her favorite nail technician when the woman told her about her son's unwanted dog. The son refused to provide food or water for the dog.

Darlene assumed the nail technician was feeding the dog, but in reality, Smokey was slowly starving. The nail technician eventually admitted she wanted to "put the dog down," but didn't want to pay the $200 fee.

Darlene asked for a picture of Smokey, and when she saw the picture, she knew she needed to go to the woman's house immediately and rescue the dog.

The next part is the story of Darlene's heroic actions that saved Smokey's life and gave it a second chance at happiness.

It's an amazing story! Not everyone would be pushed to act like Darlene, but I'm glad she did.

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