Rescue 2 innocent little dogs left in the box at the bus stop in the dark, hungry and scared

 A video was received from a bus driver showing puppies left in a box at a bus stop outside of the city. The shelter staff immediately set out to rescue them, unsure of how long they had been in the box. Upon arrival, they found two female puppies, who were poor, dirty, and wet, but surprisingly friendly.

Unfortunately, it is common for people to dump female puppies as they don’t want to spend money on sterilization. The shelter staff was determined to change the puppies’ lives, and they started feeding them immediately. After a failed attempt to wash the dirt out with regular puppy shampoo, the staff decided to take the puppies to a beauty salon for a proper cleaning.

The puppies were named Leya and Mia, and they underwent a beauty treatment that included a special cream, scrub, mask, and shampoo. They came out looking clean and adorable, and their transformation was astounding. The shelter staff took them to the vet for a checkup, and they were about three months old. The puppies were microchipped and treated for fleas, ticks, and worms. Unfortunately, they had demodicosis, which required treatment.

Love for dogs is to cherish and respect the life of this animal. Dogs are one of the most loyal animals and they are always ready to make sacrifices for their owners. The love between humans and dogs is a special friendship, built on genuine care, concern and affection.

When we love a dog, we find that they can bring joy and happiness into our lives. They are loyal companions and are always ready to listen and share our happy and sad moments. A love for dogs is also taking care of and protecting their health, ensuring that they always live in a safe and comfortable environment. It is sincere and obliging love, not just emotional.
Dogs are part of our family, and we have a responsibility for their safety and well-being. Therefore, let us love and care for us as faithful companions, bringing us joy and happiness that cannot be found anywhere else.

Despite their health issues, Leya and Mia were happy and playful. Their rescue and transformation is a heartwarming story that highlights the importance of animal shelters and the care and attention they provide to animals in need. Leya and Mia are now healthy and happy, and they are waiting to be adopted into their forever homes. Their story is a reminder that every animal deserves love, care, and a chance to live a happy life, and we thank the shelter staff for their dedication and love towards Leya, Mia, and all rescued animals.

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