On the 14th of January, Kodie, an adorable two-year-old retriever, became a proud mother to nine cute little puppies. The litter comprised five male and four female pups. Kodie got pregnant in November after breeding with another dog.
In recent news, a 2-year-old golden retriever named Kodie has become an internet sensation after giving birth to 9 adorable puppies – 5 males and 4 females. Kodie’s owner, Chelsie Garrels, played a significant role in her dog’s fame by taking professional photos of Kodie as part of a maternity shoot. During the shoot, Kodie wore a cute pink tutu. The breeder is based in Montana.
A lovely family portrait reveals a charming American dark red retriever named Jaxon, bred with a female dog named Chelsie from Goosetown Goldens. Chelsie stayed at the breeder’s place for a week in November, resulting in the arrival of nine cute puppies. Their proud owner from Ɓutte, Montana, shared some adorable pictures of them shortly after their birth.
The charming little pups were sound asleep next to their mother, sporting bows and collars in various colors. The heart-melting photo collection displays Kodie resting in her own bed while her nine adorable offspring snuggle up close to her.
The affection of a mother! Chelsie Garrels, residing in Ɓutte, owns Kodie and juggles between being a student, part-time photographer, and working at a local hospital. Recently, Kodie was photographed in post-birth pictures, just a few weeks after her maternity shoot that included her sporting a punk tutu and checkered bandana.
Chelsie, a single mother of two, captured some lovely moments of her cute little Kodie while they were playing in the snow. She shared these pictures on her Facebook page for GussGuss Photography.
Despite her expected due date being January 9th, Kodie went on to deliver her litter of puppies nearly two weeks later. Chelsie shared that Kodie spent a week with Kaylynn Donahue of Goosetown Goldens in November, where she was bred with their American dark red golden stud named Jaxon.
After returning home, we had the privilege of witnessing her growth and experiencing the incredible transformations she underwent as her pregnancy advanced.
According to her, there was a significant change in her behavior as she went from having no appetite to wanting to devour everything. Additionally, she became very affectionate and began carrying toys around like they were little infants.
Vào ngày thứ hai của năm, Chelsie đã có một buổi chụp ảnh cho thai sản của mình và sau đó, cô rời Kodie tại Goosetown Goldens một lần nữa.
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