Roman ended up at the Carson Animal Shelter in Los Angeles in horrible condition. He had been lying on concrete for so long,
that his coat was worn down to his skin, which was extremely infected. His teeth were grounded down, his ears were tattered, and his spirit was destroyed.

That’s when Tye Friis, founder of Reversed Rescue, saw the photo of the lonely dog curled up in the corner of his enclosure, and knew he had to do something to help.

Friis went to the shelter immediately to visit the dog. He didn’t want to let him stay in that shelter all alone in this condition, so he took him in as a foster.

“When I went down, it was just an instant connection,” Friis told The Dodo. “He was the most grateful thankful dog you can imagine. He was like, ‘Thank you, I don’t want to be here.”

But before he could settle in, he had a plethora of problems to deal with. Aside from the obvious problems with his skin and teeth, he also had worms and a yeast infection.
He was treated for his conditions, and would slowly heal. As time went on, his hair began to grow back, although there were some spots that never would.

Friis and Roman’s bond grew quickly as they spent more time together. Although Roman never had anyone around him, all he wanted was love and affection. He also loves other animals. After spending four months with Friis, healing and learning to be a dog again, Roman’s time finally came for a forever home.

A couple named Diane and Rob Whitaker saw Roman and knew they wanted to adopt him. Five months after living in his forever home, his new family drove him to visit his old foster dad.

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